I read around. I don’t care who the author is, where the story takes place, how many characters there are or even the age level of the book. Paper, electronic, audio, or even film adaptations... I’m shameless!
I have to admit that the cover art intrigued me while browsing the Kindle store. The spaceship over the pyramid reminded me of one of my favorite movies and TV series, Stargate. This was nothing like Stargate, but it wasn’t bad.
This story begins with Aaditya, a young man, attempting to help a woman who appears to be getting mugged or raped. He tries to help the woman only to find that her attackers seem to have super-human strength, and so does she. A strange airship hovers over the area where the woman was being attacked and a man gets out to help the woman. They fight off the attackers and then take off in the airship. Aaditya is convinced that he just witnessed a secret government operation. Later on, he finds out that the government had nothing to do with it...
I'm not too familiar with Indian religion, mythology or culture and had to Google a few things to get the back story of some of the characters. The plot was intriguing enough to hold me in and to make me want to learn more about it.
It was a fun, fast, and educational read!