22 Following

Because Books

I read around. I don’t care who the author is, where the story takes place, how many characters there are or even the age level of the book. Paper, electronic, audio, or even film adaptations...  I’m shameless!

November 2014
started following:
May 2014
read and rated
May 2014
reviewed: Vimana by Mainak Dhar
I have to admit that the cover art intrigued me while browsing the Kindle store. The spaceship over the pyramid reminded me o...
Vimana - Mainak Dhar
May 2014
reviewed: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
This story was absolutely fabulous! It's been on my to-read list for quite a while. It wasn't until my son brought it up a fe...
Coraline - Dave McKean, Neil Gaiman
May 2014
reviewed: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I picked up this book because I heard there was time travel in it and it was very highly rated. I was disappointed that it ...
Outlander  - Diana Gabaldon
May 2014
reviewed: Peter & Max by Bill Willingham
I knew about the Fables series by Bill Willingham but never picked any up, not being a huge fan of graphic novels. My disclai...
Peter and Max - Bill Willingham, Steve Leialoha
May 2014
reviewed: Insurgent by Veronica Roth
The second book in the series started off right where the first left off. The factions are at war and Tris is caught up in th...
Insurgent  - Veronica Roth
April 2014
read and rated
reviewed: Divergent by Veronica Roth
This book was recommended to me by a friend. I hesitated picking it up for a while because, knowing that it was a YA book set...
Divergent - Veronica Roth
April 2014
reviewed: William Shakespeare’s Star Wars by Ian Doescher
I can describe William Shakespeare’s Star Wars in one word – Hilarious!The first thing I did when I opened this book was to s...
William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, a New Hope - Ian Doescher
April 2014
reviewed: Wickett's Remedy by Myla Goldberg
This book spent many nights on my bedside table. Not because it was an epically long book, it was quite short actually; but b...
Wickett's Remedy - Myla Goldberg
This book has many really sweet knitted items, though perhaps not all are relevant for all knitters, but there is a lot of po...
Not sure how relevant the models are, but the models provided a definitely fun to check out and a must for every sci-fi nut s...
March 2014
reviewed: The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
The storyline of "The Long Earth" was fairly simple, but the underlying meaning of it was as deep and infinite as you can ima...
The Long Earth - Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett
March 2014
read and rated